


Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities

Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) established by the "Law on the Organization and Duties of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities" dated 6 April 2010 and numbered 5978 and restructered with the “Presidential Decree on the Organization of Ministries, Connected, Related Institutions and Organizations and Other Institutions and Organizations” dated July 15, 2018 and numbered 4; carries out studies on our citizens living abroad, our kin and relative communities and international students studying in our country.

Today, there is a Turkish diaspora of approximately 7 million people living all over the world, mostly in Continental Europe. Strengthening the ties of these with the homeland of Turkey is important both for our country, our diaspora and for the countries of residence. YTB ​​follows a multidimensional and inclusive diaspora policy towards the Turkish presence abroad. In this regard, preserving the Turkish Diaspora’s identity and culture, especially its mother tongue; strengthening of patriotism; and the fortification of their economic, social, cultural and legal positions in their countries of residence constitute the basis of YTB's diaspora policy.

Studies on our cognate and related communities, with which we share a common history and culture, constitute another main field of activity of YTB. With its activities in a wide range of civilizations stretching from the Balkans to Africa, from the Caucasus to Eastern Europe, from Central and East Asia to the Middle East, YTB aims to improve our economic, social, cultural and academic relations with our cognate and related communities, which we define as “brothers”.

The third main field of activity of YTB is international student mobility. Türkiye Scholarships, carried out in cooperation with relevant institutions and organizations under the coordination of YTB since 2012, is an extremely rich and comprehensive scholarship program offered to qualified international students who come to Türkiye from different countries of the world to pursue higher education. Within the scope of Türkiye Scholarships, where approximately 165 thousand applications are received from more than 175 countries and 5 thousand new international students are awarded scholarships every year within the framework of undergraduate and graduate levels and long and short-term programs, there are currently 15.000 Turkish Scholarship international students studying at the universities of our country. YTB ​​aims to contribute to the creation of qualified human resources by enabling international students to support the growth and development processes of their own countries after the education they receive in our country, within the framework of the hope of “growth together” with Türkiye Scholarships. After completing their education in Türkiye, these students, who joined the Türkiye Alumni family, which has 150 thousand members worldwide, as "Türkiye Graduate", while contributing to the relations between their countries and Türkiye in every field, on the other hand, strengthen the inter-communal cooperation and common understanding.

YTB, which has made significant contributions to our country's foreign policy, soft power and public diplomacy within the scope of its duties, powers and responsibilities, continues its activities in all three areas with determination and