Digital Culture Platform

News, culture and art contents, videos, infographics, exclusive files and important biographies from Türkiye and all over the world about the geographies we have language and heart ties with are with you on our new digital roof, Digital Culture Platform

We are embarking on an intercontinental journey with Turks living abroad, our compatriots, relatives and Turkish volunteers from all over the world; because we are in every corner of the world.

Digital Culture Platform
Chrome iPhone

“Citizens Abroad” stands for our citizens who settled in European countries and have maintained their presence in these countries until today and have now reached their 4th generation.

The Department of Cultural and Social Relations, one of the main service units of our presidency, carries out activities for kin and related communities. These communities, which is also called 'Sibling Communities' as a higher definition, consist of countries, regions and societies that have deep-rooted relations and deep ties with our country due to their historical, religious, political, geographical and cultural aspects.

Türkiye Scholarships aims to provide international students with education and scholarship opportunities at Türkiye's most prestigious universities with the vision of expanding and developing social, cultural, political and economic ties between countries.

Diaspora International Short Film Festival

Diaspora International Short Film Festival

Diaspora International Short Film Festival
The Journey Starts Here, Let's Go 2023

The Journey Starts Here, Let's Go 2023

The Journey Starts Here, Let's Go 2023
Ottoman America

Ottoman America

Ottoman America
Türkiye Scholarships 2024 applications are coming up soon!

Türkiye Scholarships 2024 applications are coming up soon!

Keep following us to learn more about education and student life in Türkiye.