Africa Yearbook 2023: A Year in Review for the Continent

Perşembe, Ekim 24, 2024

The latest edition of the Africa Yearbook has been published, continuing the tradition of the series, which began with the 2021 and 2022 editions. These publications provide comprehensive documentation of significant developments concerning Africa and Türkiye-Africa relations that occurred in 2021 and 2022. The 2023 edition provides a comprehensive examination of the political, military, social, economic, environmental, and cultural developments that occurred throughout the year. It offers insights into Africa's position within the global system, its advancements, the continent's potential, and its rich cultural landscape.

This volume comprises a collection of 54 articles and six book summaries, contributed by 49 authors, including scholars and researchers, in collaboration with 11 institutions. To facilitate its accessibility internationally, the book has been published in English. The Africa Yearbook 2023 is organised into five main chapters. The following chapters are included in the publication: "Politics, Economy, Society, and Environment", "Türkiye-Africa Relations", " Global and Regional Actors’ Relations with Africa," "Culture, Art, Education and Sports," and "Publications on Africa."

The first chapter, "Politics, Economy, Society, and Environment" delves into significant developments on the continent and their ramifications. This chapter includes 19 articles covering topics such as:

"Elections in Africa in 2023", "Security and Geopolitics in the Sahel Region in 2023", "Ongoing Conflicts in Africa", "The Impact of the Global Climate Crisis in Africa", "Natural Disasters and Their Consequences in Africa ", "Internal Migration Mobility in Africa in 2023", "External Migration in Africa: Climate Change in 2023", "Global Energy and Africa", "Africa’s Summit Diplomacy in 2023", "Sub-Saharan Africa’s Growing Economies and Their Goals", "The 60th Anniversary of the African Union", "The Role of Private Military Security Companies in Stability in Africa: Terrorist Acts in West Africa", "Defense Industry from African Perspective: New Trends", "Türkiye’s Defense Industry and Security Cooperations with Africa in 2023 ", "Africa's Representation and Participation in the United Nations: A Critical Analysis", "African Countries’Political Stances in the Israel-Palestine Conflict", "South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel in the International Court of Justice and Its Legal Basis", "Health in Africa and Yeryüzü Doktorları Association", "Artificial Intelligence and Africa: 2023"

The second chapter is devoted to an examination of Türkiye-Africa Relations. It considers the role of institutions and organisations that have been instrumental in facilitating the development, acceleration and enhancement of Türkiye's political, military, humanitarian and cultural relations with the continent. This chapter comprises 11 articles, which address a range of themes, including:

"Türkiye-Africa Relations in the Hundredth Anniversary of Our Republic: A Success Story of Türkiye", "A Significant Contribution to the Power of Media and Communication with Developing Africa: Türkiye Partnership", "Activities of the Ministry of National Defense in Africa in 2023", "Türkiye’s Friendly Hand in Africa: TİKA", "Activities of Yunus Emre Foundation in Africa in 2023", "The Activities of the Turkish Maarif Foundation in Africa", "The Role of the Türkiye Diyanet Foundation in Reviving Today and Building the Future in Africa", "Support of African Countries to Türkiye Following the Earthquakes on February 6, 2023", "Türkiye’s Heart Line: Turkish Airlines", "The Activities of Anadolu Agency in Africa in 2023", "TRT Africa: Telling Africa as it is".

The third chapter of the text is devoted to an analysis of the evolving Relationships Between Global and Regional Actors and Africa. It identifies and examines the shifting dynamics of the interactions between key countries and regional powers with the continent. It analyses the intensifying competition for military dominance and the concomitant increase in commercial volume, as well as the rising frequency of visits from heads of state and government to Africa. This chapter comprises 12 articles, which include:

"BRICS-Africa Relations in 2023", "US-Africa Relations in 2023", "Continuity Efforts in France-Africa Relations: The 'New' Africa Strategy", "UK-Africa Relations in 2023", "The Rising Role of Russia: New Dynamics of Relations with Africa ", "China-Africa Relations in 2023", "Africa-India Relations in 2023", "Brazil-Africa Relations in 2023: From Stagnation to Strengthening Ties", "Israel-Africa Relations in 2023", "Relations of Nordic Countries with Africa in 2023", "Germany's New Africa Strategy", "Iran's Africa Policy in 2023"

The fourth chapter, entitled "Culture, Art, Education and Sports", analyses Türkiye's role in the field of education in Africa. It also examines the initiatives that facilitate the successful students from the continent to pursue their studies in Türkiye through scholarships. Furthermore, it explores the diverse cultural and artistic activities, which encompass fashion, cinema, architecture, and entertainment, as well as sports competitions. This chapter comprises 12 articles, including:

"The Role of Türkiye Alumni in Shaping Somalia’s State-Building Initiatives", "Türkiye’s Education Diplomacy: Review of Education Support Offered to Africa", "Dakar Fashion Week and Diplomacy", "Türkiye’s Colorful Gateway to Africa: The Africa Culture House", “2023 African Textile Arts: Dialogues on Rebirth and Cultural Heritage”, "The Importance of the Ancient City of Timbuktu for African Cultural Heritage and Developments in 2023", "African Film Industry Experienced its Golden Year in 2023", "Africa’s Looted Treasures: Confluences Museum in Lyon and Egyptian Museum in Turin 2023", "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Africa", "2023 Rugby World Cup: Champion South Africa", "African Entertainment Awards 2023 as an Alternative to Western-Centric Awards Ceremonies ", "2023 African Para Games"

The concluding chapter, entitled "Publications on Africa 2023", provides a synopsis of six notable works that address the continent. This chapter commences with Joanna Ruçi's analysis of Ali Maskan's book, entitled 'Colonialism in Africa'. The text examines the psychological, sociological and historical effects of European colonial practices on the future of Africa and its societies. These effects include corruption, exploitation, regression, annihilation and marginalisation. Anıl Dereli's work, entitled "Geopolitics of Africa", offers a review of global power struggles shaped by the changing balance of power and emerging security insights in the 21st century, with a particular focus on the geopolitical context of the African continent. In his book, Undoing Apartheid, Premesh Lalu addresses the feelings and emotional responses that arise from the phenomenon of apartheid. The fourth book under review in this chapter is Islam and Blackness by Jonathan A. C. Brown. This work represents a continuation of his previous publication, Slavery and Islam, and is based on an academic discussion regarding the perceived hostility of Islam towards black individuals. Dr. Ensar Küçükaltan's work, entitled "China's Soft Power in East Africa", The article, entitled "Examples from Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda," examines the soft power elements employed by the People's Republic of China in East Africa. Lastly, the edited compilation, entitled "Politics and International Relations in Africa," edited by Bilge Şahin, Valerio Colosio, and Mürsel Bayram, interprets the continent's diversities, richness, civilisations, and recent development initiatives through the perspectives of African scholars.

The Africa Yearbook 2023 provides a comprehensive analysis of the previous year in Africa. It is intended for the benefit of researchers, academics, policy-makers, students, and others with an interest in the continent. It is anticipated that the Africa Yearbook 2023 will make a significant contribution to the deepening, diversifying and increasing of the body of work focused on Africa, providing a robust addition to the academic literature.

Please click here to read Africa Yearbook 2023 

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