Field Training Held in Ankara for Young Entrepreneurs

Perşembe, Mart 21, 2024

Organized by YTB, “Training Course: Young Entrepreneurs on the Field” was joined by 21 participants from 4 countries. During the event, the participants gained experience in international cooperation and entrepreneurship.

Held as part of the Young Entrepreneurs and Empowerment Project implemented by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) in partnership with the Turkish National Agency, the "Training Course: Young Entrepreneurs on the Field" was held in Ankara on March 5-11, 2024. 21 participants from 4 countries joined the event.

At the event, the participants were provided with various courses and seminars by subject-matter experts. In addition, a Q&A session was held with the officials of the National Agency about Erasmus +. The participants also met with YTB President Abdullah Eren. Mr. Eren answered the questions of the participants at the event. In addition, a seminar titled “Incentives and Support for Entrepreneurs” was organized by KOSGEB. The participants were presented with a certificate at the end of the course.

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