Strong Diaspora Strong Turkey

Cumartesi, Nisan 16, 2022

Abdullah Eren, President of Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), attended the iftar program organized by the Swiss Turkish Community (STC). In the program, he came together with Turkish business people and prominent figures of the Turkish community in Switzerland.

YTB is the Institution of Our Citizens Abroad

Speaking at the iftar organized in a Turkish restaurant in Zurich, YTB President Eren stated that YTB is the institution of citizens living abroad and said, "YTB is the diaspora institution of Turkey, which strives to support our NGOs and citizens abroad and works with the motto 'strong diaspora, strong Turkey'. If our citizens abroad are stronger, we will be stronger in our homeland."

Reminding that about 60 years have passed since the first migration from Turkey to Germany, Eren underlined that Turkish citizens have written success stories in European countries including Switzerland.

We are in the Period with the Most Turks

Stating that after Andalusia, they witnessed a period in which the largest number of Turks and Muslims lived in the European continent, Eren emphasized that there are 140 thousand Turks in Switzerland and 5 million Turks across Europe.

STC has a Structure to Set an Example for Many Countries

Stating that STC has a structure that gathers many associations and federations under one roof and will set an example for many countries in Europe, Eren said, "The strength of this structure will serve the Swiss Turkish community to stand up as a lobby power. In this sense, I would like to thank our founding presidents who have contributed to STC and our elders who have worked here." Eren wished the citizens to adapt to the Swiss society, to participate in the elections, as well as not to break their ties with the motherland Turkey.

You make us proud with the prestigious position you have achieved

Turkish Ambassador to Bern Emine Ece Özbayoğlu Acarsoy said that the views and opinions of Turks in Switzerland are important to them. Acarsoy noted the following: "We are aware that it is not easy to transform the thoughts and approaches of our many associations and federations into a single voice. What is important here is that every Turkish citizen who has the love of homeland, nation, and flag in his/her heart, on the basis of minimum commonalities, aims to move forward together. You make us proud with your achievements in the socio-cultural, economic and political life of Switzerland and the prestigious position you have achieved."

We are a family…

Azerbaijan's Ambassador to Bern Fuad Iskandarov, who attended the program, emphasized that Azerbaijan and Turkey are 'one nation, two states' and said, "We are a family." Pointing out the importance of Turkey's support to Azerbaijan in the 2nd Karabakh War, Iskandarov said that he was very happy to come together with the Turks in Switzerland.

AK Party Adıyaman Deputy Muhammed Fatih Toprak stated that he was very pleased to be together with the Turks in Switzerland and said, "We are really proud of your achievements here. Turks living in Europe have provided great benefits to the countries they live in. The best example of this is Uğur Şahin and Özlem Türeci."

My Biggest Dream is to Open a Turkish House in Zurich

STC President Şahin said that his biggest dream was to open a Turkish house in Zurich, the largest city of Switzerland, like the one in New York, USA.

Explaining that they have established their own website and media organs as STC, Şahin said, "As you all know, we are in a period when xenophobia, anti-Islamism and all kinds of discrimination have increased in recent years. In this period of time when negative approaches target the whole humanity, we need the climate of tolerance more than ever."

Consul General of Zurich Hasan Emre Uygun, President of the Swiss Branch of the International Union of Democrats (UID) Murat Şahin, heads and managers of the main Turkish NGOs in Switzerland and diplomats attended the iftar.

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