YTB Organized Overseas Citizens Festival in Emirdağ

Pazar, Temmuz 17, 2022

Speaking at the festival, YTB President Abdullah Eren stated that in 1978, around 17 thousand people from Emirdağ went to Belgium and 56 thousand people went to France to work, and noted that the efforts of Turks in the development of Belgium and France were very great. Citizens, most of whom live in European countries, started to come to their hometowns to spend their vacations with the arrival of the summer months. The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) organizes Overseas Citizens Festivals in cities where citizens living abroad are concentrated. Finally, YTB organized a festival in Emirdağ district of Afyonkarahisar, where citizens live in large numbers, in cooperation with Afyonkarahisar Governorship and Municipality. Speaking at the festival, YTB President Abdullah Eren stated that in 1978, around 17 thousand people from Emirdağ went to Belgium and 56 thousand people went to France to work.

Turks contributed a lot to the development of Belgium and France

Stating that more than 200 thousand Emirdagis continue their lives in Belgium and France, Eren said that Turks have contributed a lot to the development of Belgium and France. Underlining that the first generation experienced great difficulties, Eren said, "We have now reached the fourth generation."

Pointing out that our country takes more care of its citizens living abroad compared to the past, Eren said "The main reason for this is the implementation of a citizen and people-oriented policy since 2002, when President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan started to govern Turkey. Turkey now puts the citizen at the center of its foreign and domestic policies. Citizens living abroad are no longer seen only as workers or as foreign currency earners. They are also seen as people with social and cultural needs."

We Expect Permanent Steps from Belgium, France and Germany

Stating that they endeavor to be with the citizens living abroad when they come to Turkey, Eren said: "We are now expecting permanent steps from Belgium, France and Germany regarding racism and discrimination. These people work day and night and spend their sweat for their children, grandchildren and families. We need to protect our citizens abroad much more. European Turks, we have a message for you. Please participate in the elections in your countries. Let's demand Turkish education in schools."

Kübra Güran Yiğitbaşı, Governor of Afyonkarahisar, said: "We think that you are the heart ambassadors who represent us and the Republic of Turkey in the best way in the countries you are in. We are ready to project and do all kinds of things with you that will strengthen the bond of young people in the country and strengthen their relationship here."

Afyonkarahisar Mayor Mehmet Zeybek and Emirdağ Mayor Serkan Koyuncu also made speeches. Later, artist Sinan Akçıl took the stage as part of the festival.

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