YTB Organized Strasbourg Lawyers Meeting
Pazartesi, Aralık 9, 2024
The "Strasbourg Lawyers Meeting" organized by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) was held in Strasbourg from December 6th to 8th.
YTB has been carrying out various activities for our legal professionals living abroad since its establishment. The "YTB Legal Professionals Meeting" program, which has been held since 2012 and has become traditional, was conducted in collaboration with the Turkish Justice Academy (TAA) in Strasbourg from December 6th to 8th this year.

The program attended by 55 legal professionals from 10 countries, covered topics such as inheritance law practices, legal remedies available against administrative actions and procedures, e-Apostille, e-Notification applications, recognition and enforcement of custody and guardianship decisions in Türkiye, mediation in the Turkish legal system, and applications for Turkish citizenship.

The program, started with opening speeches by the Consul General of Strasbourg, Bekir Sarp Erzi, the Strasbourg Religious Services Attaché Yunus Yüksel, the YTB Head of the Department of Citizens Abroad Fatih Nişancı, and TAA Director of Education Department Uğur Parlak. Followed by seminars given by trainers from the Ministry of Justice, the Turkish Justice Academy, and the Directorate General of Civil Registration and Citizenship. Throughout the seminars, participants had the opportunity to discuss current legal issues and developments affecting our citizens living abroad.