YTB Supports Scientific Research on Sister Communities

Perşembe, Ekim 13, 2022

The second round of applications for the Humanities and Social Development Research Program (BESKAP), implemented by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) to support comprehensive scientific research on fraternal, cognate and related communities, continues.

The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) supports comprehensive scientific research on fraternal cognate and related communities with the Humanities and Social Development Research Program (BESKAP). Applications, which started on June 15, 2022, continue until November 15, 2022. The program will accept both individual and joint applications from Turkey and abroad. 

The program also aims to develop bilateral and multiple academic networks through joint applications by researchers from Turkey and abroad. In addition, it will also ensure that completed research is made available to a wider audience.  

Institutional Discrimination, Mother Tongue Education Rights, Equal Opportunities in Education, Civil Society Research, Media Analysis, Sociological and Demographic Research, and Graduates of Turkey are among the prioritized application topics. 

Detailed information about the program and application forms are available at Questions and comments can also be contacted via

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