YTB Turkish Awards

Salı, Temmuz 23, 2024

The Presidency for Turks and Related Communities (YTB)is organizing a contest called “YTB Turkish Awards” in order to discover young talents who are willing to produce literary works in the Turkish diaspora, related communities and among international students. The candidates will be presented awards in the fields of The Best Work, Essay, Short Story, Poem and Children’s Literature.

The Presidency for Turks and Related Communities (YTB) is organizing a contest called “YTB Turkish Award” to discover young literary talents in the Turkish diaspora, related communities and among international students. The contest encourages our citizens living abroad, related communities and international students to think and write in Turkish and produce literary works.

This year, the applications of the candidates from the Turkish diaspora, related communities and international students will all be accepted together for the first time. The contest consists of five categories, namely The Best Work, Essay, Short Story, Poem and Children’s Literature. There will be a jury composed of competent members. The jury will grade the works submitted by the Turkish diaspora, related communities and international students separately. Some of the assessment criteria are accurate and efficient use of Turkish, conformity to grammar and spelling rules, conformity to the technicality of the category, originality and style.


The applicants in each category will receive the first prize in The Best Work, Essay, Short Story, Poem and Children’s Literature. The award winners will also be entitled the right to participate in the “International Young Authors Academy”.


Application Deadline: September 22, 2024

Assessment by the Jury: September 22-October 09, 2024

Announcement of the Winners: October 10, 2024

Award Ceremony: Date and Venue are to be determined.

The applications will be submitted through the link below within the time period announced by the Presidency. The works submitted otherwise will be rejected.  

Application Form:

For detailed information:

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