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Related Communities
YTB Shares the Blessings of Ramadan All Around the Globe

The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) met with related communities, Turkish nationals living abroad, and international students pursuing education in Türkiye on the occasion of Ramadan events as it does every year. see more..

Citizens Abroad, International Students, Related Communities
A Concert for Heartfelt Recital of Cyprus Hymns Held by YTB in Nicosia

Compiled by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), “Heartfelt Recital of Cyprus Hymns” met the audience on the occasion of a wonderful concert held at Atatürk Cultural Centre in Nicosia. The Cyprus hymns, which are a fundamental part of the cultural heritage in the TRNC, were rendered by Ahmet Özhan and his team. see more..

Related Communities
History out of the Chest: Documentary on Prisoners of the Gallipoli in Cyprus Promoted in TRNC

The documentary ‘History out of the Chest: Prisoners of the Gallipoli in Cyprus’, which was produced with the support of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), was launched as part of an event held in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). see more..

Related Communities
Heyday of Turkish-Hungarian Relations

As part of the 2024 Turkish-Hungarian Cultural Year events, a conference titled “On the 100th Year of Friendship: The Heyday of Turkish-Hungarian Relations” was organized by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB). see more..

Related Communities
Turks in Kosovo Gather for Iftar (Fast-Breaking)

Turks in Kosovo met at an iftar event. YTB President Abdullah Eren also attended the traditional iftar (fast-breaking) event organized by the Kosovo Democratic Turkish Party (KDTP) in Prizren. In his address, Mr. Eren called for participation in the census to be held in Kosovo from April 5 to May 17. see more..

Related Communities
Call for Papers: Africa Yearbook 2023

Our Presidency is pleased to announce the call for papers for the Africa Yearbook 2023, following the success of the Africa Yearbook 2021 and 2022. These editions have provided valuable information for both scholars and practitioners by comprehensively documenting and analyzing important developments in Africa as well as the evolving dynamics of Türkiye-Africa relations. see more..

Announcements, Related Communities
Book on “Turkish Monuments Converted into Churches” Promoted

Drawn up about original Turkish monuments that were later converted into a church, the book titled “Turkish Monuments Converted into Churches” was promoted by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB). see more..

Related Communities
Applications In Progress for YTB’s Cognate Literature Outreach Program

The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) continues to promote Turkish literary works authored by cognate communities in 2024 under the Cognate Literature Outreach Program (SEDEP). see more..

Related Communities
Applications In Progress for YTB’s Human and Social Development Research Support Program

The applications for the year 2024 are still in progress under the Human and Social Development Research Support Program, abbreviated as BESKAP and announced by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities to back any scientific research by cognate and related communities. see more..

Related Communities
YTB Carries on Holding Events in 2023 All Around the World

The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) provided continuous services for the Turkish nationals residing all around the world throughout 2023, and ran hundreds of projects in an effort to improve the economic, social, and cultural ties with the cognate and related communities. YTB also took actions throughout the year to help international students, who study on a scholarship in Türkiye, advance their academic career. see more..

Citizens Abroad, International Students, Related Communities

Ottoman America

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