Call for Papers: Africa Yearbook 2023

Salı, Mart 5, 2024

Our Presidency is pleased to announce the call for papers for the Africa Yearbook 2023, following the success of the Africa Yearbook 2021 and 2022. These editions have provided valuable information for both scholars and practitioners by comprehensively documenting and analyzing important developments in Africa as well as the evolving dynamics of Türkiye-Africa relations.

Submissions are now open for the Africa Yearbook 2023. We invite contributions on various themes and topics including politics, economics, security, global engagement with Africa, and Türkiye-Africa relations. Scholars and researchers are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts along with their resumes to by March 22nd, 2024.


Submitted abstracts should concisely summarize:

- The central argument of the proposed chapter

- An overview of the intended structure and key points to be addressed

- Expected outcomes or contributions to the discourse


* Please note that the events taking place in 2023 will be the focal point.


Chapters, ranging between 1100 to 1500 words, should be submitted by April 30, 2024.


The volume will be published in both Turkish and English and invites submissions from scholars and practitioners who hold advanced degrees or are currently pursuing graduate studies.


Themes and Topics


Politics, Economy, Society, and Environment

- Military Developments in Africa and Their Implications

- Natural Disasters in Africa: Impacts and Responses

- Impacts of the Global Climate Crisis in Africa

- Insights from 2023 on Migration Patterns in Africa

- African Countries Stances in the Israel-Palestine Conflict

- The African Union (AU) in its 60th Anniversary

- The Role of Private Military Security Companies in African Stabilisation: Terrorist Acts in West Africa

- Africa's Representation and Engagement at the United Nations

 - Growing Economies and Objectives in Africa

The Relations of Global and Regional Actors with Africa

- France-Africa Relations

- UK-Africa Relations

- Russia-Africa Relations

- India-Africa Relations

- Brazil-Africa Relations

- Israel-Africa Relations

- Italia-Africa Relations

- Iran-Africa Relations

- Nordic Countries' Relations with Africa


Culture, Arts,Education and Sports

- 2023 African Paralympic Games

- The African Entertainment Awards

- African Fabric Art: Revival and Cultural Dialogues

- Africa's Looted Treasures: 2023 Year Lyon Confluences Museum and Turin Egyptian Museum

- Triumph: South Africa's Victory in the Rugby World Cup

 *It is recommended that the papers focus solely on the year 2023.


Prof. Dr. Soyalp TAMÇELİK - Dr. Tunç DEMİRTAŞ


Important Dates

Announcement Date: March 1, 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline: March 22, 2024

Notification of Accepted Chapters: April 5, 2024

Final Chapter Submission Deadline: April 30, 2024

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